Meet our small business experts

Samatha London - Noonys

Sam is the owner of small mum run business Noonys selling lunchboxes and accessories for kids and those still kids at heart. Only one year since the start of Noonys, Sam has grown a successful and engaged Instagram following and she has some great advice and tips to share.

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Which social media channels do you use?

I use Instagram (that is my most popular platform), Facebook and Tiktok.  I've recently started dabbling with Pinterest too (lots to learn in that space).

On Instagram, how often do you post each day/week?

It depends but I try to make sure I post at least 3 times a week (either a post or a reel) whether this is content from me or from Noonys brand reps.  Stories vary too but the most important thing is that I post on stories EVERYDAY (at least weekdays). It is very rare that I would not post a story in a day. On quiet day I would say I share a couple of stories but most days it is more likely around 5-6.  On a very busy social media day, 10-12.

How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?

When I am organised I like to sit down towards the end of a month and plan out some content for the next month.  I do this on a monthly page in my diary and note down what blog post I could post for the month and 2-3 post/reel ideas for each week or a note of something I would like to highlight that month.  Then I can use that as a guide to keep me focused throughout the month.  Then on top of that I often have other content that comes more adhoc if I have an idea, or if I am getting the same question or feedback from followers.

On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?

Reels always perform best.  In particular recipe reels or food ideas.

What's your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?

Be consistent.  Show up everyday - even when you don't feel like it.  Let your followers get to know you as they will build rapport with you and then are more likely to reach out and ask questions or buy when they have a need to. To be clear, this doesn't mean you need to share your whole life on social media.  It just means that you should let them see your personality and who you are as a person.

Any final golden nuggets of advice?

If you want your social media to thrive, don't hold back, don't be scared.  Would you regret not trying?  Or trying and it not working?

Katie Christoffersen - Big Little Gift Box

Katie is the owner of sustainable gifting business Big Little Gift Box. After having no Instagram account two years ago there has been a lot of test and learn for her to grow her Instagram following.
How many times do you post each week?
I post three times a week during the days and times my audience is engaged. I worked this out through the data on my Instagram Professional dashboard, see this article to find out how to do this. This frequency was really what I could manage with my workload to ensure my content was of decent quality.
On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?
Content about me that gives a behind the scenes view into the business or my life as a business owner seems to get the best reach. I think customers want to know who you are and the person behind the brand.
How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?
I plan a month or two in advance in terms of the topics I plan to cover at a high level, I love this part of the process. What I don't particularly enjoy is creating the actual content for social media, so I get it out of the way at the beginning of the week on Mondays for the following week. Do the hard thing first (there's a whole book on this!). I don't schedule my posts as I often change and tweak things at the last minute like trending audio or the wording.

Big Little Gift Box Instagram

Kerry - Knots and Threads

Kerry is the creative genius behind New Zealand based business Knots and Threads. Selling printed apparel, wire words and kids felt decor and play food, Kerry creates all these beautiful pieces. She's totally herself on Instagram and has a large, loyal following. Check out her trade secrets below.

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Which social media channels do you use?

I mainly use IG and FB,  but have started attempting Tik Tok, and also learning Pinterest too as I have heard that both of those are actually pretty handy in the small business world where you are product based.

On Instagram, how often do you post each day/week?

I "try" to do a post/reel post at least once a day, I find that keeping consistent is key. Of course some days things get a bit busy and I don't get there, but that's ok.  I tend to post towards the evening, between 7-9pm is the best time for my followers as the majority are parents with young kids so that tends to be when they are scrolling after bed time etc. For stories, I limit them to 1 story a day for the moment, it really depends on what I am sharing.  If I have a certain thing I would like advice or suggestions on then I do a few, but most of the time I find the best reach is when I just do 1 solid story.  

How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?

Honestly, I am shocking with planning ahead. I have 10,000 ideas that float through my head and find it gets a bit overwhelming trying to plan what to post for the week. In the past it was something I did though as it really can free you up for the week not having to sit there each day trying to work out what to post. So if you can get your ducks in a row, then absolutely plan ahead. But for now I tend to just go with the flow of what the vibe for that day is and get things going.  
What I do do in advance though are things like B-roll film for reels. If I am working on something then I film it, I might not use it that day or that week, but it is super handy to have when you are plotting reels. Also if you get stuck one day and have nothing to post you can scroll through your camera roll and use something there. 

On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?

Reels, reels are by far the superior content currently.  Short ones showcasing behind the scenes content do really well, or showing off something new coming. Another good one are reels that can relate to your audience, and even other small businesses. Showing that you are a real person with real fears and worries and not some robot, I feel help with people getting to know you a bit better. I find that customers like being able to relate to a business, helps build those relationships. 

What's your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?

Be yourself. You will find there will be moments that you doubt everything, that you struggle with what to post, what to say, what to do. But the best thing is just be you, don't try and compete with others. If someone in your niche is doing amazingly, support them!  Don't try and be them because you will lose who you are in doing that. Find what makes you stand out and that should be where you focus.
Also keep consistent, don't try and do too many things as it will end up confusing not only yourself but everyone else watching you and people will start to lose interest. Another tip is don't focus on numbers. Your followers will go up and down, you will have weeks where you can gain heaps, but then you have weeks where you may drop a bunch too. It's all part of it. Just keep on keeping on and don't let a drop in numbers worry you.  
Working with others doing collabs is also a great way to grow. Giveaways are good, but don't do so many that you spend all your time gifting free things to everyone. So every now and then collab with some like minded businesses. There are also Brand reps/influencers too. They are a super good help as you can get your name out there more and get some great content too for your accounts. Just be careful and do your research and ask around before signing anyone up.  You want people that will represent you and your brand. 

Any final golden nuggets of advice?

Just have fun with it. Running a business should be something you love, yes it can be super stressful, but if you are not enjoying what you are doing, then you are doing something wrong. It is something that you are choosing to spend your time on, working for yourself, so do something that you actually want to do. 
One of the best things you can do is make business friends. Having that group of people there that support each other and help build you up makes a huge difference to how you can handle things, especially when there are moments where you feel defeated. 

Justine Hughes - Misty Rose Designs

Justine is your local glitter fiend and creator behind the gorgeous Waikato based small business, Misty Rose Designs. In her store you will find a range of handmade, functional resin based earrings and homewares at affordable prices. Justine has built up her Instagram following through her amazing reels, here's how she does it.

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Which social media channels do you use?

It was recommended to reserve my business username on all
social media platforms when I started Misty Rose Designs. So while I am signed up for Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Threads and Pinterest; I primarily use Instagram and try to keep up with Tiktok.

On Instagram, how often do you post each day/week?

I aim to post 3-5 times a week, be it a single post, reel or carousel. 
I try to post stories 5-7 times a day. I’m enjoying the extra reach with the “add yours” feature

How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?

I plan a week in advance. I like to use the “Preview” app for IOS as it gives me an idea of what my feed will look like. Sometimes I schedule static posts however, I prefer to spend a bit of time on the Instagram app catching up and engaging with others before I share my own content. 

On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?

In the last year, reels have really out performed any of my photo posts - both single or carousel. I do miss the days when Instagram was just about pretty pictures!

What's your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?

Community over competition, always. The small business community on the ‘gram is such a fun group to be a part of. Connecting with other small businesses that cheer you on, share your woes about supplier price increases and support you with a like, share or simply leave a kind comment is honestly the best feeling… especially on those imposter syndrome days!
Don’t get stuck in the comparison game and become consumed with what others are doing.  Focus on growing and nurturing your own community first and foremost. For Misty Rose Designs, it was
about finding my glitter gang and showing them what they like to see. So if someone loves affordable sparkly bits and bobs, bold colours and glittery goodness then my page is the place for them, if not that’s okay too!

Any final golden nuggets of advice?

At the end of the day - Instagram is just another social media platform, so above all…. don’t forget to get social.  Engage with others, make authentic connections and share content you enjoy.

Christina Drummond - Windmill Press

Christina is the talented owner behind Windmill Press based in Palmerston North. The business has been operating since 2016 and Christina creates business cards, wedding invites and other special stationary using letterpress and foiling techniques. If you haven't checked out her Instagram reels, be prepared to be mesmerised with her printing press and stunning designs. You can also find her on Facebook and Tik Tok.
On Instagram, how often do you post each week and how many stories do you post each day?
I try to post 1-2 times a week and do stories daily. I can post anywhere from 1-10 stories a day depending on what I’ve got to share on the day.
How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?
I try and do a photo session once a month to photograph as much of my work as possible so I can use it for bulk scheduling future posts. Lately though I’ve just been posting quite organically and not sticking to a schedule.
On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?
Behind the Scenes and process reels work really well for me because my clients can see what goes into creating their beautiful stationery.
What’s your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?
To be honest this is something I am trying to figure out for myself right now - I think try and be different to stand out but do it in a way that is authentically YOU and what product/service you are offering. Don’t focus so much on your follower count - thousands of followers does not mean thousands of sales - you want your people to engage, share and like your work which will then gain trust and authenticity which will then convert to sales. You want to get the RIGHT people following you.
Windmill Press Instagram

Shara Quin - Clever Little

Shara is the wonderful business owner behind the brand Clever Little - the functional body care brand that seamlessly blends beauty and relief into everyday essentials. From enhancing your mood to providing pain support, Clever Little is focused on a holistic approach to self-care. Shara shares her approach to managing her Instagram and some of her learnings along the way.

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Which social media channels do you use?

Instagram is our bread and butter for organic content. Paid content on Facebook is some of our best for converting despite it being out of fashion with the young generations! We haven't managed to crack TikTok yet but something is in the works 😉

On Instagram, how often do you post each day/week?

We try to post at a minimum 5 times per week and share stories where we can. We went through a period of posting twice per day but I ended up with creative fatigue! More content did not mean better content, although our engagement did skyrocket.

How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?

At most we plan out one week in advance. This might be controversial as I know many businesses love to plan months out. However, I have seen that our organic content is more relevant being created closer to the time we post. We don't try to hop on trends too often as it's not in our brand tone, rather we stick to Clever Little's voice and content that will be relevant.

On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?

Period refill bundles and iPhone raw, unedited content! Interestingly for us whenever price is noted in our product post captions, the better the reach gets! The more curated our imagery the worse it tends to perform although we do find our long format wellbeing posts get the best reach. Who knew people love to see reality in their feed from us so much?!

What's your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?

Consistency and persistence is key. Not everyone gets their viral moment straight away! Collaborating with brands that align with you to help grow your followers is a great way to get infront of new, like minded customers. Plus, we love working with other small New Zealand businesses.

Any final golden nuggets of advice?

At Clever Little we are all about the journey to better and that includes our social channels. Our focus is on spreading knowledge about female wellbeing and finding better ways to look after yourself that work for you! 

Ms Tania McMillan

Tania has over come a lot in her life, when she got divorced in 2019 she started writing and in the past 3 years has published 5 books. She focusses on helping others by sharing her story so others know they aren’t alone and feeling isolated. Tania has really started to grow her Instagram following with some of her content going viral recently, she shares her social media advice below, take a read.

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Which social media channels do you use?

The social media channels that I use are Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok. However, I don't find that Facebook and Tiktok have the same vibe, or reach as Instagram does for what I use it for.

On Instagram, how often do you post each day/week?

For Instagram, I honestly don't really have a plan. It totally depends on what I'm feeling that week. At the moment I am advertising my new book, The Five Month Fiancé, so my content is around dating, divorce and dating.
I do post daily, but I don't have a rule of thumb of how many posts a day, however I have found that posting daily or posting daily reels has definitely helped my reach.

How far in advance do you plan your content and do you schedule it?

I'm just winging it really honestly. I don't schedule content. I like to be authentic, and like to show up as I am, whatever that looks like on each given day. I'm very real. I don't pretend that I'm something I'm not, which I think my audience appreciates.
My goal is to continue being consistent without having a schedule to what I'm posting.

On Instagram, what type of content performs best for you?

I recently had a bit of a change with my Instagram and I decided to focus on what I was really wanting my page to be about. It's all about healing after divorce, divorce, dating and looking after you and doing things to fill your own cup.
After that change of focus , my reels have just started going viral, and the reach is phenomenal. I've just reached 11,000 followers and I'm getting a lot of feedback and having some great conversations with new followers. This is building a community which is what I want my Instagram page to be. A place for people to feel safe and seen without any judgement.

What's your best tip you have for anyone trying to grow on social media?

What helped me also grow was narrowing my niche. So I really looked at who I wanted to help and how I was going to help them.
As an example, my niche and social media focus is on women who want to heal and look after themselves as they deserve better.
I am promoting my new book, The Five Month Fiancé, a lot of my content is for single woman, woman dating, divorced woman. However, I do have my other books which have a healing focus so I'm also still posting on ways women can move forward.